NO. Which is actually you saying YES...
When you say No from a place of true inner alignment within yourself, you are actually saying YES to YOU.
Especially for women, it has been ingrained in our society that there is nobility in being a martyr, an overhelper, overgiver, overdoer, and putting others' needs before our own needs.
This couldn't be any further from the truth.
Nobility is integrity, honesty, and power.
Power results when we do what is most rightfully in alignment for ourselves, and as a result when we say YES to ourselves we do so from a truthful place of authenticity.
You can say YES outloud to the following downloads as you read them, and your highest self will strengthen these into your body, mind, & spirit:
I have FULL permission to say no to others
I have FULL permission to say YES to myself
I know that when I say yes to what is in the highest & best for myself, it is inevitably in the highest & best for all
I know how to say Yes to myself & my life every single day with confidence & power
I know how to say Yes to others from a place of honest alignment within my own self
I already know how to say no to others while saying yes to me
I have full support to say no to others
I have full support to say yes to myself EVERY day
When I say YES to myself, I have more to give to others and the world around me
The more I say Yes to myself, the more authentically I give & share with others
The more I say Yes to myself, the healthier & happier I am
The healthier & happier I am, the healthier & happier the world around me is
I say YES YES YES to me & what is most powerfully aligned for my highest good!
From my YES to yours,