everyone else has their sh#t together but me!
why is it taking me so much longer than everyone else to "figure out" my life?
am I going to be alone for the rest of my life?
why is my life so much more boring than everyone elses'?
everyone is so much more successful than me?
what's wrong with me?
why is everyone so much happier than me?
will I ever have money to travel?
I feel like I'm constantly missing out!
Here are 3 things you can do NOW to increase your self-esteem:
1-- REMEMBER that most of social media is a story & skewed, and ALL of it is only 1 aspect of the many aspects of peoples' lives.
2-- Re-align yourself by closing your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and connect yourself with your LIFE FORCE--your BREATH. Remind yourself "I am Life. I am Creator."
3-- Know that you are NOT alone. It's human nature to compare yourself to others. Everyones' egos tries to get them to believe the same bs stories that your ego is feeding you.
YOU are a special human, and so is your LIFE.
You are a CREATOR.
And, you can create your life to be anything you want it to be.
Appreciate what you have, and change what doesn't work.
And, turn off your news feed if it doesn't UPLIFT you.
You have FULL permission to love yourself, to love your life, and create more of what you love.
Love & Blessings Always,