Acceptance & Letting Go

There is always a divine order, purpose, and intelligent force streaming through our every moment, but this is not to say that our life as a human is a fair one.  Sometimes, there is taking one for the team.  There is a certain amount of grace that is called forth when we must accept that we are channeling the divine, and as a result of this divine expression, we move with the natural impulse of highest order of love.  This process may result in relationships of all kinds ending, but it does not mean it is a failure or anyone failed.  It may simply mean that this specific way that is being birthed into expression is the way that love is flowing in that moment.  I accept this.  I accept all circumstances as they are and as they unfold.  I hear the call from deep within me that moves me to express in a myriad of ways.  I align with our divinity no matter what the consequences or result of this alignment brings me; no matter what other people judge me for.  From this place, I regret nothing.  I grieve at times because sometimes the action that is called for will surely bring relationships & life experiences to a completion of their course.  There is loss.  There is sadness, but suffering is minimized when I accept this wholeheartedly and let go.  It requires me to be unattached to specific people & specific experiences remaining in my life.  It requires a dedication of being in servitude to this higher power no matter what this means for my life.  It means I will certainly experience disappointment and at times devastation, but it also means I will surely receive and experience love and power beyond measure.  I must remember that love has infinite faces.  There is love that is the happy go lucky, feel good experience.  There is love that is the down right dark and dirty truth, and I will rise with truth no matter the cost it brings in my own life.  I breathe as I accept, and then I let go. 
---Janet Nicksic