Your natural life of infinite miracles & possibilities all comes back to this belief, thought, and feeling of safety.
The more you believe, think, and feel your safety the more you are present in your body and present now.
Our trajectory as a human species is aligning with our inherent safety and Be-ing present now.
The 3D reality is all about time being experienced as linear-past, present, and future.
4D and 5D are breaking through that limitation of compartmentalizing time, space, LIFE .... relinquishing operating from the past, and surrendering into the spaciousness of now.
Here are some tips to tune you to now -- Now :
1-- Feel your feet, legs, hips, and breathe your breath into the lower part of your body. Feel your Presence within your limbs, fingertips, body.
2-- Say to yourself as you line up stronger with the belief:
I AM SAFE. My body is safe. It's safe for me to be of my body. It's safe for me to be Me.
3-- Breathe
4-- Breathe
5-- See your immediate surroundings, notice the walls, colors in the room, your hands and feet to bring you immediately into your Now present moment.
6-- Say within yourself, "I am here now. Now is now. All there is is Now." *Breathe* "I am safe to be here now. I have full permission to be my Ultimate Presence now." Breathe.
7-- I AM SAFE.
8-- Breathe.
Do this practice, uuuuh, 100 - 1000 times a day! :)
***Write these words on your mirror, make signs for you to read the words, I AM SAFE, in multiple places in your spaces. This will really shift your beliefs and you to align more into the experience of Now.
Repetition in multiple creative ways helps you to really become this belief.
Again, remember, it is your natural born birthright to feel safe, be at ease within your body, and be your Ultimate Presence now.
You have full permission to feel at ease & safe now,
Say Yes now...
You are powerful.
You are worthy.
You have permission to be - within - your inner peace now.
What if they find out I'm really an Imposter?!!
Hello Creative Human,
Did you know that many people starting out as healers, artists, therapists, & entrepreneurs THINK they are an actual imposter?
It's true! It's just that many people don't admit this because they think they're the only one, and they are terrified of being found out.
There's actually a name for it called "The Imposter Syndrome."
In the early years of my career when I was a traditional talk therapist, I was consumed by the 'imposter syndrome' and was terrified I was going to be found out.
Shortly after I released that torturous & limiting story about myself, I discovered this was a real thing that many BRILLIANT people believed about themselves!
If you are THINKING:
Who am I to think I'm THIS talented??
- What if my skill, creativity, or psychic ability goes away or runs out??
- I can't believe people actually pay me, if they only knew the truth!!
- I'm really a fraud and it's only a matter of time before they find out that I don't know what I'm doing and I never really did!
You're not alone. You're NOT a fraud (unless you really are ;) You're NOT an imposter.
Congratulations, if you've made it this far to the 'Imposter Syndrome' belief, it's an initiation for you. Don't stop, KEEP going.
RELEASE this belief and connect with the TRUTH...
You ARE that talented, that gifted, that creative, that intelligent.
YOU did indeed come here to share your GREATEST gifts and intelligences with the planet.
YOU, gifted human, ARE ALL THAT.
If YOU don't do that thing you're thinking of doing, then who will???
Own it my friend,
Ever wonder WHO you really are?...
Hello Universe,
are the cosmos
the planets & constellations
the fairy dust of enchanted forests
the warmth & energy of the sun
the waves of the ocean
the power of the moon
the godly paws of our angel animals
the giggles of pure children
the creativity of brilliant artists
the intelligence of divine nature
the power that pulsates our hearts
to our ONE beating heart
& ONE intelligent mind
(wink wink) Do you remember?
(nudge nudge) How will you be YOU today, which will remind others who they really are?
Have FUN with it!
Lovin you infinitely,
Balance your karma NOW!
Hello Starlight,
The Soul Star chakra is located 6-12" above your crown. It is intersecting points of white light where your soul begins entering your body.
The Soul Star balances our karma and informs the rest of our body of these updates.
Think of this chakra as your Northern Star, it contains the blueprint of ALL your lives including your life NOW.
5 steps to do a simple karma balancing:
- Activate your Soul Star by feeling it, imagining it, or calling it forth
- Ground with your feet & the deep earth
- As you allow breath into your body, ask your higher self with the assistance of your angels & guides to balance with your Soul Star ALL karma that is ready to be balanced NOW.
- Feel, imagine, or call forth white golden light cleansing and pouring forth onto your crown and all the way down your body and out your toes
- Breathe and allow a deeper connection within yourself while feeling grounded and more balanced.
REPEAT as much as you want!
Karmic Blessings,