Your Holiday boundaries 101

1-- To begin with, know that you matter
*Your feelings matter
*Your needs matter
*What's right for you and what's not right for you matters

2-- You have full permission to cultivate ALL of your relationships, whether it be parents/siblings/friends/coworkers, from a place inside yourself that honors your boundaries of what's right for you and what's not right for you

3-- Remember there are a lot of humans who won't honor and respect your boundaries unless you do. People learn from you how to treat you, how to respect you, how to even "see" you based upon how you allow yourself to be treated. It's an automatic response and interaction process even from fellow seemingly conscious humans. Make sure you're only allowing what you truly deserve & desire so you experience from others what you truly deserve & desire.
*Also note simultaneously: how others see you is a reflection of themselves & not you

4-- Say Yes to invites & gatherings when it's a yes! No when it's a no!
*You have permission to decline invites that're a clear No for you.
*You have permission to limit your time spent at gatherings that're a no for you.
*You have permission to honor your time, aka your LIFE, to those people who respect you

5-- You have permission to exit conversations that're draining or toxic.
*You are not a hostage to anyone else's agenda of conversation or drama no matter who or what the topic is at hand.
*You have permission to change the topic of conversation at any time.
*You also have permission to leave the event at any time, to go outside to get fresh air and take a break at any time, or to only engage with others at the event that bring neutrality or uplifting love & shared joy to your experience

I hope this helps you! I invite you to really honor yourself this holiday season, practice claiming your own space by setting & implementing through your actions CLEAR and strong boundaries.

Your future Self thanks you big time, because honoring yourSelf & your Life FULL ON in these ways is exactly how you step into your Highest, Truest, most honorable Self and Highest Life!

I know the holidays can be challenging for many because of dysfunctional family dynamics, perhaps grieving or losses are activated, or feeling alone can be challenging for many.

Please know that you are not alone.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you could benefit from more 1:1 attention by clicking on the button below.

I get it. I see you.

I'm sending you so much love from my heart to yours,
