The #1 essential to manifest your abundance is to...

Reeeeeeeeelax & Chiiiiiiill out.

Do whatever you need to do to relax yourself on the INSIDE.  

We're all energy, vibration, and the universe (which is us) responds to our vibration.

Get present to these 2 questions:

1---What FEELINGS will more money bring you?  

2---What THOUGHTS will you be thinking the more you're FEELING those feelings that more money brings for you?

Will you be feeling and thinking more peace & calm?

Will you be feeling and thinking more freedom, fun, & joy?

Will you be feeling and thinking more spacious within yourself?

FEEL these feelings Now.  

Align with these thoughts Now.

BE these experiences Now.

Do whatever you need to do to remain in this space. 

I'm not saying it's always easy to do BUT if you desire to experience the life of your dreams then this is what's required to experience it.  

It takes practice just like anything else!

And it does get easier just like anything that you continue to practice.

It's a muscle that needs to get worked and it WILL get stronger for you.   

REMEMBER.... The Universe is ALWAYS working on your behalf to bring you even MORE, but you must allow yourself to chiiiiiiiiiill and relax the f#ck out.  

Let the Universe do what it's designed to do, which is to romance you like no other in ALL the ways that bring you joy.

YOU are soooooooooooooooooo worth it.