Wake Up
Wake Up
*Original music created by Janet Nicksic
produced by Beautiful Minds Collective
Original artwork by Erika Doria @cannimal
*NOTE: Use earbuds to maximize your experience, so your brain will detect the binaural beats and put you into theta brainwave state. Do not listen while driving or doing anything that needs your attention.
It’s time to hear the wake-up call shaking us from deep within. This medicine song is focused on strengthening the bond of our root (396 Hz) and heart (693 Hz) chakra because the safer and more secure we feel the more we allow for vulnerability and open within our hearts, which is essential in the embodiment of ONENESS. We utilize the binaural beat of the third eye chakra (852 Hz) to de-calcify our pineal gland to higher consciousness and to clarify our vision to put forth into our world. This is a wakeup song into living life outside the outdated box of fear and hamster wheel of outdated systems into living in the powerful magic of the infinite. Did you know that the infinite has a sound? Just like fear has a sound. Just like everything has a sound. Wake Up plays the sweet melody you need to guide you to the space right outside of the dark shadow fear box, and enjoy creating life from this space. It is time to wakeup, humans. All of us.